On a clear and fine day, when I go to a lake and see the surface of the water, it seems to not move at all, or if I see a tree, the tree seems to not move, either. However, when I look at again the tree or the lake, I can find the several leaves of the tree moving or the shadow of house reflected in the water of the lake moving. Because of wind, the leaves or the surface of water move. There are many phenomena that we fail to catch in our daily lives.
For example, a piece of tissue can not form and support a shape by itself. It is possible to be formed only if it is pressed by physical force. We can see a piece of tissue formed into an irregular shape by the hand. If the tissue is in a colorless, transparent, clear plastic bag, not visible or out of recognition, it would not be easy to distinguish the plastic bag which surrounds the tissue. Because of the clearness of the plastic bag, the tissue seems to show its shape without the bag. In this phenomenon, we could miss the practical fact- there is the object around the tissue. Because of the transparency of the object, the plastic bag, it is almost impossible to recognize the bag.
In our lives, we hardly recognize a fact beyond our perception. Like the tissue seems to be formed by itself without the clear bag, we could meet with a phenomenon, a chance occurrence. Most of us are fed up with that sort of phenomenon on our lives and make a decision that it is an accident, a strange coincidence or a chance occurrence. I believe that phenomenon happens always for a reason, but we can not recognize it easily, like the example of the clear bag. These conflicting phenomena have always coexisted, but we easily realize only one side from a visible image. I tried to express the dualism of the phenomena of the spatial and temporal relationship within a work of art.
Through the experience of creating imagery in the two dimensional field of painting, printmaking, and three dimensional field of sculpture, I have applied and used these experiences as a solution for the multiple, transparent layering of shapes to communicate my desire toward expressing, calm and sensitivity. Whitening, transparency and sensitivity appear in my creations to describe the phenomena that we can hardly perceive in daily life.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, art has not always been a noun, a valuable object relegated to a museum or a ticketed event in a performance hall. At the birth of the word “art,” it was a verb that meant “to put together.” It was not a product but a process. Some people may consider ‘Art’ as a very seriously difficult area or some others consider that ‘Art’ is never related with our lives. But the understanding of art can be an easily thought of as John Cage says “Anything can be art, all you have to do is change your mind.” Also as an artist, I believe that the process of discovering a phenomenon that surrounds us is an essential motivation for my creation. My motivation of creating, delicate movement has developed my concept of creating. More over it has helped me to find the transparency and whitening process on my work of piece.
'DREAM' by Sunyoung K.